The Ninth Virginia Cavalry

Richmond County Cavalry - Richmond County

Enlisted October 24, 1861

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"Richmond County Cavalry"


This roster of the 9th Virginia Cavalry, Company K, includes the service records of over 100 men. It is taken from the official Compiled Service Records in the National Archives. Those records suffer from omissions which will be reflected in this roster. Personal data on some of the men has also been gleaned from genealogies, local histories, descendants, cemetery records, death records and newspapers.

ROBERT K. KRICK, Author of:

9th Virginia Cavalry, Virginia Regimental History Series, H. E. Howard Inc.





BALDERSON, GRAHAM: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present steadily thru 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at Westmoreland C.H., 5/5/65.  

BALDERSON, JOHN W.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Discharged for disability, 5/10/62, age 27. d. Nov. 1920.

BALDERSON, RANSDELL: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL from July 1862 thru Aug. 1863, then no further record.

BALDERSON, ROBERT B.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru March 1862, then no further record.

BALDERSON, THOMAS: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru 9/1/64 final roll, then transferred to Co. B, 40th Va. Inf. during Sept. 1864.  

BALL, JAMES H.: Transferred to Co. K. on 2/18/63 from Purcell Artillery (Va.), in exchange for John Cash. Paroled at King George C.H., 5/1/65.

BARKER, LEONARD: Enl. 3/2/62 in Co. K. Absent wded., 9/63 thru 12/63. Present at 9/1/64 last roll. Paroled on Northern Neck, 5/8/65.

BASYE, RICHARD T.: Enl. 3/14/62 in Co. K, as Cpl. to Sgt. in 11/62. Reduced to the ranks as a private, 7/64. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled in Northumberland Co., 5/65.

BEACHAM, JAMES A.: Enl. 1/13/62 in Co. K. Present until AWOL on 3/15/64, and still AWOL at final roll.

BELFIELD, JOHN DAINGERFIELD: Enl. 8/22/61 in Co. K, as Lt. Present thru 2/62, then no further record.  

BELFIELD, R. L.: The only record of this man is his parole from Co. K, at Richmond, on 4/25/65.

BELL. JAMES W.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present at every roll thru 6/64, then no further official records exist. Two unofficial sources state that he was killed in action.

BELL. JOSEPH M.: Enl. 10124161 in Co. K. Absent wded. on May-June 1864 muster roll, and still carried thus on July. August roll, the last of record.

BISCOE, JOHN E.: Enl. 11/9/61 in Co. K, as Bugler. Absent sick, 5/62 thru 8/62 and again 11/63 thru 12/63. Present on all other rolls thru 9/64 final roll. POW at Amelia Cross Roads, 4/3/65; released June 21st.

BLUEFORD, ROBERT: Enl 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL from May 1862 until transferred to Co. K, 30th Virginia Infantry, on 2/12/63. Meanwhile, he had been charged for "loss of arms."  

BOSWELL, JOHN T.: b. 10/22/1832. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. To Cpl., ca. 11/62. Absent sick, 9/63 thru last roll in 9/64. Reduced to private on 4/1/64. d. 1/14/1898.

BOTTOMS, WILLIAM T.: Enl. 3/18/62 in Co. K. No further record at all.

BOWEN, JOSEPH M.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru 3/62, then no further record.

BOWEN, THOMAS: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. POW in May/June 1863 POW again in Berkeley Co. 7/28/63 age 32. Farmer Released from Ft. Delaware on 6/19/65.

BROOKE, DENNIE: Enl. 7/1/64 in Co. K. Present at 9/1/64 final roll.  

BROWN, JOHN: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick from 7/62 until discharged for disability (rheumatism) on 12/20/62, age 42. Farmer.

BROWN, ROBERT H.: Enl. 10/24/6l in Co. K. To Cpl. in 5/62. AWOL, 9/1/63 thru 12/14/63. Returned to the ranks. Present then thru 9/1/64 final roll.

BRYANT, JOHN S.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick, 10/63 thru 12/63. Present then 10/6/64. No further record.

BUTLER, JOHN W.: Enl. 12/12/61 in Co. K. Present to 3/31/62, then no further record.  


CAMPBELL, ROBERT: Enl. 10/2/61 in Co. K, as Sgt. Present thru 3/62, then no further record.

CANAN, JAMES A.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Escaped from the Bowling Green jail where he was being held for desertion and went over to the enemy, in Jan. 1863.

CASH, JOHN: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL, 7/62 thru 10/62. Transferred to Purcell Battery (Va.) on 2/18/63.

CHEWNING, AURELIUS GARLAND: b. Caroline Co., 10/23/1847. His only official record is of parole at Ashland, 4/26/65. Merchant in Roanoke. d. May 1911 in Roanoke.

CHEWNING, FRANCIS S.: Enl. 8/1/63 in Co. K. Student. Absent sick for his first two months of service, then absent detailed from 9/63 thru 9/1/64 final roll. There is, therefore, no record of any actual field service. Paroled at Ashland, 4/30/65.

CHRISTOPHER, THOMAS: enl. 3/5/62 in Co. K. Promoted to Cpl., May 1862 and to Sgt., July 1864. Absent sick twice and on detail once. POW at Aberdeen Run, 4/3/65. Released from Pt. Lookout, 6/10/65. Died before 1899.

CLARK, RICHARD ALBERT: Enl. 7/16/64 in Co. K. POW at Amelia C.H., 4/3/65; released from Pt. Lookout, 6/10/65.

COATES, JOHN W.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL July-Oct. 1862 and June-Sept. 1864. POW at Upperville, 6/21/63; paroled four days later in D.C. AWOL at final roll.

COATES, RICHARD A.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL, March-Aug. 1863. No further record.

COATES, RICHARD H.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick on two occasions, otherwise present thru 9/l/64 final roll. Deserted and took the oath, 3/11/65; U.S. furnished him transportation to Baltimore.

COCKRELL, DANRIDGE WILLIAM: b. Lancaster Co., 1/1/1820. m. Naomi Bush, 1850. Descendant (Ed Cockrell) says Cockrell was in Co. K and has his possessions. Wded. at Gettysburg. MWIA in July or August 1864, died in Lancaster Co., 9/10/1864.  

COLEMAN, ROBERT: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. POW at Boonsboro, 9/16/62; paroled 10/19/62. AWOL, July-Aug. 1863. Promoted to Cpl. on 4/1/64. Deserted on 3/7/65, took the oath, and was furnished transportation to Maryland.

CRALLE, JOSEPH S.: Enl. 12/24/61 in Co. K. Discharged for disability (lungs) on 6/3/62, age 19. Farmer. Re-enlisted on 9/1/63. Wded. at Brandy Station, 10/11/63. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at Westmoreland C.H., 5/5/65

CRALLE, THOMAS K.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present steadily until he was mortally wounded about 6/24/64. Arm amputated, with pneumonia, at Chimborazo Hosp. on 6/26/64; died 8/31/64. bur. Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond.

CUMMINS, FRANCIS M.: Enl. 2/24/62 in Co. K. Present thru 3/31/62 then no further record.


DAVENPORT, LINSEY O.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K, as Cpl. Reduced to Pvt. before Nov. 1862. Absent sick on one roll, otherwise present thru 9/1/64 final roll

DAVIS, DANDRIDGE: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL extensively in 1864, after having a good record earlier. Deserted to Potomac defenses, 3/10/65.

DAVIS, DREWRY: Enl. 2/19/63 in Co. K. Present until deserted on 3/7/65.

DAVIS, HENRY R.: Enl. 1/8/62 in Co. K. Absent sick, Nov.-Dec. 1862. KIA near Culpeper C.H., 9/13/63.

DAVIS, JAMES H.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present to 3/31/62, then no further record.

DAVIS, JOHN W.: One stray slip, declaring this man to be of Co. K and in a Richmond hospital in May, 1862, is the total record. It is probably garbled from another soldier.

DAWSON, DAVID: Enl. 3/18/62 in Co. K. Absent on detail, Nov.-Dec. 1863. Absent sick, May-June 1864. AWOL from 7/1/64 thru 9/1/64 final roll.

DUNAWAY, GEORGE WASHINGTON: b. 9/7/1839 in Richmond Co. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick, May-June 1862. Wded. by gunshot in left arm, ca. 6/25/64. d. 1/9/1895 in Lava, Va.  

DUNEGAN, GEORGE: Enl.10/24/61 in Co. K. Farmer. Absent sick, July-Aug. 1862. Discharged for disability (pulmonary), 10/22/62, age 18.


EDWARDS, ROBERT A.: Enl. 3/15/62 in Co. K, as Sgt. Wded. ca. 5/1/63. POW and paroled in Westmoreland Co., 5/24/63. KIA 8/18/64.

EFFORD, GEORGE W.: b. 3/31/1826. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K.  Discharged, 5/20/62. d. 7/21/1881. bur. Farnham Church, Richmond Co.  These dates are erroneous because he was alive in Richmond Co. in July 1902, age 65, according to his own pension application.

EFFORD, RICHARD MARION: Enl. 1/7/62 in Co. K. Absent wded., July-Dec. 1863. Present then thru 9/1/64 final roll.

EFFORD, SYDNOR: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick most of the time and eventually died of Phthisis on 9/27/62 at Huguenot Springs Hospital.

ELMORE, ERASTUS: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Farmer. Absent sick from May 1862 until discharged for disability (Phthisis and Scrofula) on 10/22/62, age 26.


FICKLIN, WILLIAM W.: Conscript assigned to Co. K, 6/10/64 final roll.

FIDLER, JAMES ROBERT: b. March 3, 1842. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent wded., July-Oct. 1863. AWOL in Aug. 1864. Deserted on 3/11/65, took the oath, and went to Baltimore.

FLINT, EDWARD S.: Enl. 4/18/62 in Co. K. Absent detailed as courier at cavalry corps HQ an every roll thru 9/1/64 final roll.

FONES, WILLIAM H.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. POW at Richards Ford, 4/29/63. Fones has no further Confederate record beyond that point, but U.S. records show that he was exchanged on 5/13/65!

FRANCE, JOHN: b. Richmond Co., May 1, 1834. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. POW at Boonsboro, 9/16/62; exchanged 11/10/62, AWOL, July-Aug. 1863. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at Westmoreland C.H., 5/6/65. d. Jan. 28, 1913, at Newland, bur. France Cemetery near Newland.

FRANCE, THOMAS RODNEY: Enl. 2/11/64 in Co. K. KIA, 8/16/64.


GAINES, LEWIS CONNER: b. 12/5/1842 in Culpeper. att. VMI. Enl. 9/7/63 in Co. K. Mortally wounded near Ashland, 6/1/64. Died in Chimborazo Hosp., 7/8/64.

GARDY, HENRY H.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Deserted during Jan.-March 1862.

GARDY, JOHN: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Deserted during Jan.-Feb. 1862.

GARLAND, GEORGE WILLIAM: Listed as belonging to Co. K on an unofficial roster postwar.

GARLAND, THOMAS SARGENT: b. 8/26/1846 in Richmond Co. There is no official service record on this man, but persuasive unofficial sources show his association with Co. K. Given his late birth, he probably joined after the date of the last surviving roll. Mayor of Huntington, W. Va., alive in 1899.

GARLAND, WILLIAM D.: Enl. 3/20/62 in Co. K as Lt., but no further record!

GEORGE, EDWIN EPHRIM: b. 2/5/1830. Two unofficial sources record his service in Co. K, 9th Cav., but he has no official service record. d. 1/10/1880 in Lancaster Co.

GOODLOE, GEORGE: b. 7/3/1833 in Caroline Co. Served in Co. K, 3rd Alabama in 1861. Enl. 3/15/63 in Co. B, 9th Va. Cav  Absent sick on two rolls. Paroled at Bowling Green, 5/4/65. Merchant. d. 11/30/1907 in Shelbyville, Ky.

GORDON, GEORGE: Lawyer, age 24 in Fredericksburg in 1860.  Served in the renown Fredericksburg Artillery early in the war. Enl. 2/11/64 in Co. K. POW at "Mulberry Hill," 5/29/64. Died at Pt. Lookout, 7/26/64. b. Kenmore Cemetery, Fredericksburg

GULICK, CLINTON W.: Enl. 2/4/62 in Co. K. Present thru March 1862, then no further record.  

GULICK, JUDSON B.: Enl. 3/18/62 in Co. K. Present thru March 1862, then no further record.


HALE, JAMES A.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL, July 1862 thru Aug. 1863. Returned to duty under the President's amnesty proclamation, Sept. 1863. Deserted again by crossing the Potomac on 4/16/64. He was imprisoned by the Federals despite his desire to take the oath, and was only released from Elmira on 5/13/65, age 26. Hale's reason for wanting to desert was: "I got tired of it."  Living in Richmond Co. in 1910, 73 year old farmer.  Second wife, Senora L. (married 40 years) living with him.  Hale drew a pension in Richmond Co. in 1920.

HALE, SYDNOR: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick, May-June 1862. AWOL from July to Dec. 1863, then no further record-Dec.1862.

HALL, DORSEY B.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. For a time, he was a substitute for his father, John Hall, but then he served his own stead on reaching the proper age. The first formal record after enlistment is that Hall was absent sick Nov.-Dec. 1863. Promoted to Sgt., 4/1/64. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. POW near Petersburg, 4/3/65; released from Hart's Island prison, 6/30/65. d. April 1900 in Richmond Co.

HALL, HENRY CLAY: Conscript assigned to Co. K, 6/10/64. Present thru 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at Westmoreland C.H. 5/5/65.

HALL, JOHN: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick, May-June 1862, then present thru Aug. 1863. Beyond that date no record of Hall at all.

HALL, LUCIEN: Enl. 1/9/62 in Co. K. Promoted to Sgt., April 1862 and to Lt. in July 1863. Present on every roll thru 9/1/64 final roll.  POW at Sayler's Creek, 4/6/65; released from Johnson's Island, 6/18/65, age 25.

HALL, NORVEL V.: Enl. 2/24/62 in Co. K. Present thru Feb. 1862, then no further record.

HALL, ROBERT: Enl. 2/5/63 in Co. K. Promoted to Sgt., 4/1/64. Present on every roll, thru9/1/64final roll. Died before 1896.

HALL, ROBERT RYLAND: Conscript assigned to Co. K, 6/10/64. Present to 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at Westmoreland H., 5/5/62.

HALL, WILLIAM P.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL in July-Aug. 1862. Present then until transferred to Purcell Battery, 6/15/63.

HARRISON, RICHARD H.: Enl. 12/17/61 in Co. K. AWOL on all rolls after June 1862. U.S. records show him as a POW taken at Warrenton on 11/11/62, then no further mention.

HARRISON, SAMUEL: b. 1842. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick May-Aug. 1862 and July-Aug. 1863 and at 9/1/64 final roll. POW in Prince William Co., 2/19/65; released from Ft. Warren, 6/16/65. d. 1924. bur. Farnham Church, Richmond Co.

HARWOOD, JOHN SAYLOR: b. 1839 in Richmond Co. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K, as Sgt. Promoted to Lt., 8/1/62. Absent on conscript duty, Aug,-Oct. 1862. Present then until KIA at Ashland, 6/1/64.

HAYNES, WILLIAM C.: b. 10/25/1829. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K, as Sgt. Detailed on QM duty, Dec. 1861. Reduced to Pvt. in April 1862. Present on every roll thru 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at Mechanicsville, 4/28/65. d. 6/5/1898.

HAYNIE, JOSEPH: Enl. 4/3/62 in Co. K. Discharged for disability (chronic erysipelas in both legs), 1/21/63, age 32. Occupation - farmer.

HAYNIE, YARRETT: Enl. 3/18/62 in Co. K. POW at Gettysburg, 7/5/63. Died at Pt. Lookout of diarrhea, 11/14/63.

HINSON, WILLIAM W.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent on detail on one muster roll, otherwise always present thru 9/1/64 final roll.

HUDSON, MATHEW S.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. POW at Fredericksburg in Nov. 1862; exchanged 11/18/62. AWOL from July 1863 thru April 1864. Transferred to Fredericksburg Arty., 8/31/64. Alive in 1902.

HUDSON, PRESLEY J.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Promoted to Sgt., April 1862. Absent sick from July 1862 until he died of disease on 3/1/64.


JACKSON, DANIEL S.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present until POW at Richards Ford, 4/29/63; exchanged 5/13/63. AWOL, July-Aug. 1863 and Nov.-Dec. 1863. No further record.

JACKSON, JOSEPH H.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K, as Cpl. Promoted to Sgt., April 1862, but reduced to Pvt., Nov. 1863. Wded. in right thigh, 7/29/64; had not returned to duty as of Dec. Paroled at Westmoreland C.H., 5/5/65. Later died of his wounds.

JEFFRIES, JOSEPH R.: b. 4/14/1836 in Richmond Co. Entered service on 10/24/61 as Capt. of Co. K. Present until he resigned on 7/30/62, suffering from Rheumatic Opthalmia, which had nearly blinded him. d. 12/9/1866.

JENKINS, ERNIE: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Farmer. Discharged for disability (anemia).

JENKINS, JOHN: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick, May-June 1862. Wded. by gunshot in left knee, 6/9/63 or 6/10/63; still absent at 9/1/64 final roll.

JENKINS, JAMES A.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL, Nov.-Dec. 1863. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at Blacks and Whites, 4/19/65.


KANE, THOMAS: Member of Co. K. Only record is of his desertion near Suffolk, took the oath on 7/17/64 and provided with transportation to Philadelphia. 5'9" tall. Resided in Richmond Co.

KELLY, WILLIAM: Member of Co. K. POW in Amelia Co., 4/3/65; released from Pt. Lookout, 6/14/65. 5'8" tall.


LAMPKIN, JOHN: Conscript assigned to Co. K, 6/10/64. Discharged for disability, 7/10/64 (eyes), age 45. Farmer.

LAMPKIN, PETER K.: Enl. 3/18/62 in Co. K. Absent detailed, July-Oct. 1863. Absent sick, May-June 1864. Present at 9/1/64 final roll.

LEE, G.S.: Member of Co. K. Admitted to Chimborazo Hosp. on 10/29/64 for gunshot wound of right hand. No other records.

LEE, WILLIAM: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru March 1862, then no further record.

LEWIS, JEREMIAH S.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K, as Cpl. Reduced to Pvt., April 1862. AWOL, July 1862 thru July 1863. Imprisoned in Castle Thunder in Nov. 1863, then no further record.

LEWIS, PARKER R.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru March 1862, then no further record.

LEWIS, THOMAS: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru Feb. 1862, then no further record.

LITRELL ALFRED: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent on special duty, Nov.-Dec. 1862. Present thru April 1863, then no further record.

LITTRELL, JAMES M.: Enl. 3/10/62 in Co. K. Absent sick, July-Aug. 1862. Wded. (lost right arm in shell explosion) and taken prisoner, 11/2/62; exchanged 1/6/63. Never returned to duty, and retired to Invalid Corps, 12/5/64.

LYELL, CHARLES B.: Enl. 2/5/63 in Co. K. Absent wded., July-Aug. 1863. AWOL, Sept.-Dec. 1863 and May-June 1864. Transferred to Fredericksburg Arty., 8/31/64. Alive in 1902.

LYELL, HENRY: Enl. 2/5/63 in Co. K. Absent wded., July-Dec. 1863. Absent on detailed duty, Jan.-Sept. 1864. Paroled at Northumberland C.H., 5/8/65.


McCARTY, JOHN MAYO: b. 2/23/1846 in Richmond Co. Conscript assigned to Co. K, 6/10/64. Present thru 9/1/64 final roll. d. 3/20/1932 in the Soldiers' Home in Richmond.

McCAWLEY, WILLIAM: b. 1831 in Ireland. Carriage maker. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K, as Sgt. Promoted to Lt., 11/10/61. Present until POW at Ashland, 6/1/64; held at Pt. Lookout, Ft. Pulaski, Hilton Head and Ft. Delaware, being among the "Immortal Six Hundred" during his imprisonment; released on 6/16/65. Living in Baltimore in 1899.

McCUMMINGS, FRANCIS: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru Dec. 1862, then no further record. Later served with the 4th Maryland Battery.

McGUIRE, WILLIAM: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru Feb. 1862, then no further record until shown as transferred to Co. K, 30th Va. Inf., 2/12/63.

McINTYRE, MICHAEL: Enl. 6/7/61 in Co. G. Present until transferred to Co. K, 21st Va. Inf., 2/3/63.

McLANAHANS, M.: Enl. 3/14/62 in Co. K. No further record after 3/31/62.

MARMADUKE, LUTHER R.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent detailed as courier for Generals Thomas and Anderson, Nov. 1862 thru April 1863. Promoted to Sgt., Nov. 1863. Drowned on 12/21/63 "while fording Jackson River."

MARSH, ISAAC H.: Enl. 11/12/63 in Co. K. Discharged for disability (hernia and rheumatism), 2/13/64, age 34. Occupation Farmer.

MARSH, JOSEPH: Enl. 9/1/63 in Co. K. Absent sick, Nov. 1863 thru Feb. 1864. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. d. 9/10/1893 in Fredericksburg, age 60.

MARSH, WALTER W.: Enl. 3/18/62 in Co. K. Absent wded., July-Aug. 1863. Absent wded. again, Nov. 1863 thru Feb. 1864. AWOL from March 1864 thru 9/1/64 final roll.

MORTON, THOMAS: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Physician. Promoted to Lt., 8/8/62. Resigned on 4/30/63, to return to England, where he had been born and was still a citizen.

MOTLEY, JAMES LEWIS: b. 3/5/1845. Enl. 8/16/63 in Co. K. Absent sick, May-June 1864. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. Farmer and oysterman postwar. d. 1914 in King & Queen Co. bur. Farnham Church, Richmond Co.

MOZINGO, BARNES B.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick, July-Oct. 1862. Present on all other rolls thru 9/1/64 final roll

MOZINGO, MEREDITH M.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick. July-Oct. 1862, POW at Hanover, Pa., 6/30/63. Died at Ft. Delaware, 2/5/64.


NASH, NATHANIEL B.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present on every roll thru 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at Westmoreland C.H., 5/6/65. d. April 6, 1900 at Newland, Va.

NEWMAN, GEORGE H.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. POW at Watford's Ford, 4/15/63; exchanged from Old Capitol Prison, 5/13/63. Absent on detail, Sept.‑Oct. 1863 and May-June 1864. Present at 9/1/64 final roll, Paroled at Westmoreland C.H., 5/5/65.


PACE, THOMAS R.: b. 3/31/1836. Enl. 1/28/62 in Co. K. Absent on detail, July-Oct. 1863. Promoted to Cpl., 4/1/64. Present thru 9/1/64 final roll. Deserted at Norfolk, 2/10/65. d. 2/7/1868.

PACE, WILLIAM H.: Enl. 1/28/62 in Co. K. Absent sick, May-Aug. 1862. AWOL, July-Aug. 1863. Transferred to Co. A, 55th Va. Inf., 9/23/64.

PEW, MARTIN: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru 3/31/62, then no further record.

PHILLIPS, EUGENE S.: b. 1846 in Richmond Co. Conscript assigned to Co. K, 6/10/64. Present thru 9/1/64 final roll. Virginia legislator postwar.  d. Jan. 16, 1902 at Wellford’s  Wharf.

PITTS, CHARLES LINDSAY: b. 1843. Enl. 2/1/63 in Co. K. Absent sick, Jan.-Feb. 1863. Present then thru 9/1/64 final roll. d. 1880.  Never married.  His letters are at Virginia Historical Society.

POTTS, RICHARD B.: Age 23 in May 1861. Teacher. Transferred into Co. K on 5/20/63, from Co. K, 30th Va. Inf. Absent on leave, July-Aug. 1863. Present then thru 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at King George C.H., 5/2/65. Unofficial sources state that Potts was wounded at Five Forks.  Alive in 1904.

PRATT, ALEXANDER: b. 4/6/1841. Transferred to Co. K on 2/12/63 from Co. K, 30th Va. Inf., in exchange for Robert Blueford. Promoted to Sgt., 4/1/64. Present on all rolls thru 9/1/64 final roll. POW at Amelia C.H., 4/3/65; released from Pt. Lookout, 6/16/65. 6' 1" tall. Father of John Led-Pratt of "Chatham," Stafford County. d. 9/12/1910.


QUAY, ALPHYN G.: Enl. 1/8/62 in Co. K. Present without fail on every roll thru 9/1/64 final roll.

QUESENBERRY, RICHARD H.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick, May-June 1862. AWOL, July-Aug. 1862. POW at Hanover, Pa., 6/30/63; died at Pt. Lookout, 12/10/63.


RAINES, WALTER J.:  Transferred to Co. K, 9th Va. Cav. from Co. B, 40th Va. Inf., on Sept. 22, 1864.  d. Nov. 5, 1907 in Richmond Co.  Although Raines has no official record with the 9th, the transfer document  appears in his service jacket for the 40th. 

RAINES, WILLIAM W.: Enl. 3/14/62 in Co. K. Present to the end of that month, then no further record.

REAMY, WILLIAM JARVIS: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Promoted to Cpl., April 1862. Absent sick, Jan.-Feb. 1863. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. Admitted to a Farmville hospital on 4/8/65, with gunshot wound in right thigh and was paroled there within the next fortnight.

RICE, THOMAS J.: Enl. 3/8/62 in Co. K. Absent sick, Sept. 1862 thru Feb. 1863; present on all other rolls thru 9/1/64 final roll.  Living in Lancaster Co. in 1910 as a farmer, age 66.  d. April 7, 1911.

ROBERSON, CHARLES H.: b. Oct. 22, 1823. Member of Co. K. POW at Amelia C.H., 4/3/65; released from Pt. Lookout, 6/17/65.  Served in the Fredericksburg Artillery, March 1862 to August 1864.  Transferred to Co. K, 9th Cav. 8/31/64.  Brother of James A. (below)  d. Stafford Co., June 10, 1892. 

ROBERSON, JAMES A.: b. Dec. 5, 1845. Member of Co. K, paroled at King George C.H., 5/1/65.  d. Feb. 4, 1903.  Brother of Charles H.

ROBERTSON, THOMAS CAROLANIUS: b. 1/2/1845in Montross. Enl. 1/7/63 in Co. K. Absent on leave, July‑Aug. 1863.Ab­sent sick, May-June 1864. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. d. 9/1/1907 in Portsmouth.

ROCKWELL, WILLIAM: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K, as Sgt. Present thru March 1862, then no further record.

ROLLINS, EDWARD TAYLOR: b. 1846 in King George Co. Member of Co. K, paroled at King George C.H., 5/1/65. d. 10/7/1921 in Stafford Co.


SALZIG, JOHN: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Deserted in Feb. 1862.

SAMPSON, LEROY J.: b. Mar. 11, 1829.  Enl. 2/9/63 in Co. K. Wded. at Gettysburg; returned to duty in Jan. 1864. Absent sick, May‑Aug. 1864. POW in Amelia Co., 4/3/65; released from Pt. Lookout, 6/20/65.  Served in Co. A, 40th Va. Inf., in 1861 – 62.  d. July 8, 1881.

SAUNDERS, ARTHUR L.: Enl. 1/17/62 in Co. K. Present on every roll thru 9/1/64 final roll. POW in Amelia Co., 4/3/65; re­leased from Pt. Lookout, 6/20/66.  Drew a pension in Richmond Co. in 1920.

SAUNDERS, LOVELL: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL from May 1862 thru Aug. 1863, then dropped from the rolls.

SAUNDERS, R. EDWARD: b. 1/3/1832. Farmer. Enl. 11/19/63 in Co. K. Discharged for disability (lost eye), 7/10/64. d. 5/21/1909. bur. Farnham Baptist Church, Richmond Co.

SCATES, JAMES ALLEN:  b. Mar. 11, 1842 in Richmond Co.  d. Dec. 7, 1914, in Newland. bur. family cemetery near Newland.  Both his death certificate and General Beale’s book show this man as a member of Co. K.

SCATES, RICHARD: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Present thru Feb. 1862, then no further record.

SELF, ANDREW MOSES: b. 8/27/1835. Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick, July-Aug. 1863. POW, 9/16/63; paroled from Pt. Lookout, 11/15/64. d. 8/26/1895 in Westmoreland Co.  A northern provost in St. Mary’s Co., Maryland, recorded Self as a deserter in Sept. 1864.  Five feet ten and one-half inches tall.  Perhaps Self had been paroled from his earlier captivity in time to desert in late 1864, and his Nov. 15th 1864 release from Point Lookout eventually resulted

SMITH, JOHN G.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K, as Sgt. Reduced to Pvt., Nov. 1862. AWOL, July-Oct. 1862. Absent on leave. Sept.-Oct. 1863. Present then thru 9/1/64 final roll.

STEWART, LEWIN R.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Deserted on 4/20/62, age 17, and took the oath. Stewart told his Federal protectors that either he or his father had to join the army, so he did so against his wishes.

STEWART, RICHARD B.: Enl. 2/24/62 in Co. K. Present for five weeks, then no further record.  d. Mar. 31, 1915 in Washington, D.C.

STOTT, JAMES OLIVER: Conscript assigned to Co. K, 6/10/64. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. (There are separate service records for James O. Stott and Oliver Stott, but neither has complete conscript data and the two blend nicely. On the other hand, a Richmond Co. gravestone shows ‑ at just the right age - Joseph O. Stott, 11/12/1845 - 5/11/1880?)

SYDNOR, NAPOLEON B.: Enl. 4/3/62 in Co. K. Died of pneumonia, 11/15/62 in Charlottesville

SYDNOR, THOMAS: Enl. 2/24/62 in Co. K. Present on every roll thru 9/1/64 final roll, sometimes on extra duty as teamster.

SYDNOR, WILLIAM: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent sick, Sept.-Oct. 1862. Died during Now. 1862.


TALIAFERRO, JAMES GARNET: Age 18 in 1861.  Member of Co. K. POW at Amelia C.H., 4/3/65; released from Pt. Lookout, 6/21/65.  Served in the Fredericksburg Artillery until transferred to the 9th Cavalry on Aug. 31, 1864.  d. Feb. 20, 1917, of pneumonia, age 74.

TALLENT, GEORGE W.: Enl. 4/1/62 in Co. K. Absent sick, May-June 1862 and May-June 1864. Absent "prisoner", July-Aug. 1863. Hospitalized in Richmond, 10/29/64, with gunshot wound in hip; returned to duty, 11/29/64. POW in Westmoreland Co., 12/17/64; released from Pt. Lookout, 6/20/65. 6' 2˝ " tall.  d. April 12, 1903, age 66.

TELLICE, JOHN C.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. POW at Richards Ford, 4/29/63; exchanged 5/13/63. AWOL, July-Aug. 1863. Pre­sent then thru 9/1/64 final roll.

TERRY, ADDISON W.: Enl. 3/10/62 in Co. K and present to the end of the month, then no further record.

THOMAS, JAMES G.: Enl. 3/18/62 in Co. K. Shown as POW at Gettysburg, 7/3/63 and sent to Ft. Delaware. Thomas was back in Va, ca, Nov, 1864, but there are no U.S. records to document the business.  d. 1910 or 1911.

THOMAS, WILLIAM: Enl. 10124/61 in Co. K. Discharged for disability (curvature of the spine), 5/10/62, age 28. 5' 1" tall.

THRIFT, RICHARD C.: Enl. 2/5/63 in Co. K, and promptly went AWOL. Every surviving record shows him as AWOL (last one being Nov.-Dec. 1863 roll).


VANNESS, WILLIAM P.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Detailed on QM duty, Oct.-Dec. 1861, then absent attending to duties as assessor thru Feb. 1862. No further record.


WALKER, MILTON M.: Enl. 5/25/61 in Co. K, 40th Va. Inf., May 1861 to Sept. 1862.  Went to 15th Va Cav. for six months, then back to the 40th Va. Inf.  Transferred to the 9th Va Cavalry, Co. C in May 1864.  Present May-Aug. 1864 and paroled at Westmoreland C.H., 5/5/65.  d. June 26, 1914, at Oldham, Va., age 71.

WALLACE, WILLIAM GARLAND.: Conscript assigned to Co. K, 6/10/64. Absent sick, May-Aug. 1864. Paroled at Northumberland C.H., 5/9/65, age 20.  d. Aug. 26, 1902 in Richmond Co.

WEADON, JAMES: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. Absent on detail, July-Aug. 1863. Absent sick, Nov.-Dec. 1863. Present then thru 9/1/64.

WEBB, CHARLES SHEPHERD: b. Apr. 10, 1846. att. U. Va. Member of Co. K, hospitalized from Dec. 1864 thru Feb. 1865 with "scrofulous Abscess." Physician postwar.  d. Nov. 28, 1935, bur. Lakewood Cemetery, Bowling Green.

WEBB, JAMES W.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K, as Cpl. Present thru Feb. 1862, then no further record.  d. May 28, 1869 of pneumonia.  His wife Susan A., remarried, but drew a pension in 1902 in Lancaster Co. as his widow anyway.

WEBB, JOSEPH L.: Enl. 3/17/62 in Co. K. Absent wded. in hip at Upperville. July-Aug. 1863, Nov.-Dec. 1863 and May-Aug. 1864.  Living in Lancaster Co. in 1894 at age 57.

WEBB, WILLIAM HENRY: Enl. 2/5/63 in Co. K. Absent with leave, July-Aug. 1863. On detached service, May-June 1864. Present at 9/1/64 final roll.

WILEY. S.B.: Conscript assigned to Co. K, 3/24/64. Wiley immediately went into the hospital for scabies and moributis. There is no record of any field service.

WILLIAMS, JOHN S.: Enl. 3/18/62 in Co. K, then no further record.

WRIGHT, JOHN: Conscripted into Co. K. 5' 5" tall. Deserted near Richmond, 1/20/65, took the oath, and sent north of the Ohio River.


YEATMAN, ARTHUR LEE: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL, Nov. -Dec. 1862. Absent sick, July-Dec. 1863. No further record.

YEATMAN, JAMES E.: Enl. 10/24/61 in Co. K. AWOL, July-Oct. 1863. Absent sick, Jan.-April 1864. Present at 9/1/64 final roll. Paroled at Westmoreland C.H., 5/6/65.  bur. Rappahannock Baptist Church, Richmond Co.

YEATMAN, MILTON HENRY: Shown as a member of Co. K in an unofficial postwar roster, without any supporting evidence.

If information, spelling or mistakes are found in any part of these rosters please contact the web page author.