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Military Equipment





$450 to $1500 Carbine 1859 .54 or 1863 .52 Sharps model, Enfield Musketoon, Gallagher and other issued Federal carbines.  Even a few three band Enfields are acceptable.
$125 and up Pistol 1860 Colt .44 steel frame revolver is standard. 1851 Colt Navy .36, or 1858 Remington .44 are options
$125 and up Sabre & scabbard 1860 Light Cavalry saber is standard, 1840 Dragoon optional
$30 Powder & Caps Black powder and percussion caps for both pistol and carbine.
$20 Saber Knot The black leather wrist strap for enlisted men.                              
$55 Carbine Sling Black leather US issue sling with steel swivel snap-hook
$30 Carbine Thimble Black leather attachment for carbine while mounted
$85 Sabre belt Black leather with shoulder strap, saber hanger, and enlisted man's federal eagle buckle (brass) or CSA brass buckle.
$25 Cap Box Black leather US issue preferred with wool liner and nipple pick
$30 Spurs Brass issue spur
$12 Spur straps Black leather pair
$30 Holster Black leather, US issue preferred, right side, butt forward, with sewn in plug bottom.
$55 Cartridge box, carbine Black leather US issue preferred w/tin insert
$40 Canteen Smooth side or 1862 bull's eye pattern. Wool cover in tan and gray jean appropriate.
$12 to $30 Haversack Cotton with or without black tar paint coating. Various patterns
$25 Eating Utensils Wooden or bone handled forks generally had three tines and all metal (silver) forks had four. In general, simpler is better.   Tin cup would be your most valuable purchase, get a heavy one.  Plates and bowls should be made of tin or wood. Enamelware is of a later period or was very expensive, and should be avoided. A joint company and family mess is prepared at all reenactments for a nominal fee. All members of the 9th Virginia are encouraged to participate in this camaraderie-building unit activity.
$40 Gum Blanket or Poncho Issue, black rubberized cloth with neck slit or one without a neck slit called a gum blanket.
$15 Camp Seat Antique wooden chairs could be used in garrison situations but even then, most soldiers used the ground for a seat.  Alternately and more preferable, a sturdy wooden box makes a comfortable seat and don't overlook the "firewood stool" or its brother the "firewood bench" with added board.  We would like to see zero wooden folding chairs in the military camp.
$15 to $80 Bed blanket Wool blanket in natural colors, quilt in period colors and patterns.  Wool is much warmer and if wet still stays warm!



Shelter tent

A shelter half is the preferred tent for campaign events.  For our cold events a 7 foot tall, 7 to 9 foot long A tent is roomy for one person, somewhat cramped for two - but just remember, they used to sleep 5 fellows in these things!  Wall tents are not allowed in the military camp except for officers.   You will also need tent poles and stakes.  Ask about availability of company owned tents for your first few reenactments.

At summer events think about sleeping in the open or sharing a lean-to or shelter half.  It's fun to do campaign events!


Modern cots, sleeping bags, and air mattresses are permissible if you have period blankets to disguise them. If you are sleeping on the ground, you may want a gum blanket or poncho to use as a ground cloth.   Some events supply straw to sleep on. We hope by example to create a desire in our members to try packing light and living sparse without cots and air mattresses for a more realistic experience.  A straw filled canvas bed-sack is very comfortable for those with "old bones".

Food and Food Storage:

As stated, the 9th Virginia Cavalry provides a mess for a nominal fee. While you are not required to participate, this is certainly one of the easiest, least expensive ways to eat at a reenactment, not to mention the most fun. You may want to bring some period snack foods in addition to the meals provided by the company mess. Food should either be kept in your haversack, saddle-bags, muslin bags, or if in non-period containers they must be well hidden within your tent. If you bring a cooler, make provisions to keep it hidden in a wooden box or under a blanket inside a tent. Drinks must be consumed only from period looking cups, mugs, or glasses while you are in period clothing.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact your officer or your mentor.    They will be happy to answer any questions you might have and if you have any doubts, talk to the captain.

To help new recruits get started our company has loaner tents and equipment.   Ask the quartermaster what they can help you with in the form of equipment and supplies but remember, try to get your gear as soon as you can.